This time of year is marked by many events and celebrations. Your inbox might in inundated right now with Black Friday sales to buy, buy, buy. And over the weekend, you will probably begin to see the Cyber Monday sale emails. And while it is amazing to be able to purchase for yourself or a loved one, there are many people who struggle. And they are in our own backyard, here in the Oakville community. So now we are asking you to help if you can.
I remember as a child, always having food growing up. At the age of 7, my mom became a single parent to two school-aged kids and had to manage on her own. However, it was not until I was well into adulthood that I learned that my mom leaned on the support of others. She needed to ensure my brother and I would not go hungry. One particular hard Christmas, she looked to the local food bank. She was so ashamed to be in a situation to require the help of others, but she knew it was needed. The volunteers were gracious, supportive and helpful and showed her around, gave her tissues for her tears.
Now, as an adult who has been living in Oakville for over 15 years, I am in a privileged position to give back to such a great organization that is integral to Oakville's success and livability. The Root of Health is proud to support the Fareshare Food Bank Oakville. We will be collecting non-perishable (non-expired) food items and cash or etransfer donations. The Food Bank will give a tax deductible receipt for any cash donations over $20.
Cash donations will be accepted in the clinic, or you can send an Interac etransfer using foodbank@rootofhealth.ca as the recipient. The account is listed under my name Loretta Green and auto deposit is set up. If you would like a donation receipt, please include your full name, address and email address in the message portion of the etransfer, the donation receipt will be issued by the Fareshare Food Bank.
Our Office Manager will be accepting donations in person at the clinic Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am to 4pm and Wednesdays 10am to 2pm until December 19th. 2024.
The food banks in Oakville are experiencing record-breaking demand and this is a wonderful opportunity to give back to a such an amazing community. I am proud to live and call Oakville home. My husband and his company will be matching cash and etransfer donations up to $1000 in total and which are received by December 19th 2024.
Our address and map info is available on our Contact Page
Together, we thrive in community.
Loretta Green
Clinic Director and Owner
The most needed Items currently:
Canned Items:
Meat (Ham, Chicken, Corned Beef, Luncheon)
Chunky Soup
Baked Beans
Pasta Sauce
Fish (Salmon, Sardines, Tuna)
Dry Goods:
Rice (700gm to 950gm)
Instant Coffee (Regular and Decaf)
Pasta/Rice Side Dish
Dry Pasta
Tea (Regular, Green, Herbal)
pudding/fruit cups
Baby Needs:
Baby Cereal
Powdered Baby Formula: Enfamil, Similac, Good Start
Pouches of Fruit/Vegetables
Pull-ups 5T-6T;
Diapers sizes 5, 6 and 7
Baby Wipes